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Every year, wildfires are getting bigger and more frequent in BC. Stats have shown that 50% of homes burnt during a wildfire are started by embers, which can travel up to 2 km on average. Embers have been known to travel up to 6 km in the right conditions. 

By taking steps to reduce the risk of wildfire affecting their properties, homeowners play an important role in wildfire prevention.


FireSmart BC Wildfire Mitigation Program

The FireSmart BC Wildfire Mitigation Program (WMP) was designed to engage residents in voluntary wildfire mitigation activities by offering a professional home assessment with property-specific recommendations.

Request a Free Home/Property Assessment

Property owners and residents in the District of Hope are eligible for a free FireSmart assessment. 

The FireSmart BC Wildfire Mitigation Program was designed to engage residents in voluntary wildfire mitigation activities by offering a professional home assessment with property-specific recommendations.

A FireSmart Property Assessment provides residents with:

  • An in-depth, on-site assessment conducted by experienced fire professionals.
  • An opportunity for property owners to identify mitigation actions unique to their property.
  • A detailed follow-up report with customized mitigation actions designed to measurably reduce the wildfire risk to your property.
  • An opportunity to earn FireSmart acknowledgement for your mitigation achievements through a certificate. The certificate is given upon successful completion of required mitigation actions and an on-site follow-up inspection.
  • A mitigation certification that can be shared with participating insurance providers to showcase mitigation activities and may be eligible for insurance incentives or discounts. Please note: FireSmart does not share the assessment or any details of the assessment with the insurance industry.
  • FireSmart Home signage for their property (upon successful completion of required mitigation actions and an on-site follow-up inspection).

Complete this form to request your free home assessment by one of our Wildfire Mitigation Specialists.  

FireSmart Rebate Program

If you complete any of your FireSmart assessment recommendations, you are eligible for a rebate of 50% of your expenses incurred, up to $1000, (total rebate of $500). 

 FireSmart rebate program qualifications:

  • Schedule a FireSmart home assessment with our Wildfire Mitigation Specialists who will answer your questions and provide you with a list of specific recommendations for your property.
  • Complete one or more of the recommendations and take before and after photos to show your FireSmart activities.
  • Complete a FireSmart rebate form provided during your property assessment. Include receipts for supplies, and a record of your hours along with before and after photos. Email the completed form to or submit the online form.
  • Your labour is valued at  $32 per hour for each eligible FireSmart activity you complete. A limited number of rebates are available and are limited to 50% of the total cost up to a maximum of $1000.

Request a Neighbourhood Wildfire Hazard Assessment

Your neighbourhood can request a free Neighbourhood Wildfire Hazard Assessment, where a Wildfire Mitigation Specialist looks at general neighbourhood wildfire risks and provides recommendations in a customized report.

Email to request a Neighbourhood Wildfire Hazard Assessment.

Get FireSmart at Home

FireSmart principles are designed to mitigate a home’s vulnerability to wildfire. Homes ignite due to the condition of the home and everything that surrounds it, up to 100 metres from the foundation – this is called the Home Ignition Zone. 

Learn more about the Home Ignition Zone and how you can take proactive action on your property to reduce wildfire risks.

The Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan

The District of Hope is currently developing a Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan (CWRP) to better understand and reduce wildfire risk in our community. We invite you to watch the recorded public information session below and to complete the accompanying survey to share your input and help shape this plan.

Community Wildfire Resiliency Plans are created by local governments, with support from the provincial government through the Union of BC Municipalities, to assess wildfire risks around communities and recommend actions to mitigate those risks.

Wildfire resiliency means understanding the risks of living in a forested area, taking proactive measures to protect lives and property, and being prepared to respond effectively if a wildfire threat arises. Your participation is essential in building a safer, more resilient community.

Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan-Public information session


Community Engagement Survey

You can complete the survey on this page or if you prefer, you can click this link to complete the form in a larger format.


District of Hope FireSmart