PROJECT STATUS: Design and Planning
BUDGET: $75,000 (Design and Planning Only)
Background Information
The District of Hope water network is divided into a number of distribution zones. Generally, these are unconnected and water cannot be transferred between them. In recent years there have been efforts to improve aspects of water storage with two new reservoirs replacing an open storage basin and a concrete reservoir at a low elevation. The water network has been extended gradually since the 1940s, generally coinciding with the town’s development. The condition of the distribution network is currently acceptable but the age of many watermains means that increasing levels of pipe replacement are on the horizon. Because the water network has grown with the town, pipeline design does not always meet current requirements. The District’s water model has been updated to assist with the analysis of the network. Existing service pressures and fire flow capacity were then evaluated under average day demand (ADD) and maximum day demand (MDD) conditions. Neighbourhoods currently lacking sufficient service pressure and fire flow capacity have been identified.
The capabilities and shortcomings of the water system have been used to identify improvements and prepare a water system capital plan. The capital improvements have been prioritized to improve the capacity of the water supply and meet the projected demands. The general improvements are as follows;
- Increased connection between the systems to allow source capacity to be shared, and as protection against loss of supply;
- Additional water storage to provide for fire flows, and at higher elevation to increase water pressure;
- New wells to replace existing capacity, as many wells are aging;
- Network expansion in support of development;
- Long term programmed replacement of aging water mains
Richmond Hill Reservoir and Future Zone Connection
The District of Hope Water Master Plan (2019) proposes a 300mm diameter watermain connection between the 87m Zone and
Silver Creek Zone. Please refer to Figure 1. A reservoir is also proposed at a full water elevation of approximately 120m. The reservoir would be filled by the Silver Creek wells and would generally only provide water to the Silver Creek Zone.
In order to provide for a shortfall in water storage in the 87m Zone, a PRV station would allow water to flow from the new reservoir to the 87m zone when pressures drop below a pre-set level in the 87m Zone. This improvement option increases available fire flow within the Silver Creek Zone due to the hydraulic grade of the reservoir increasing from the existing level of 92m to approximately 120m. In addition, the boosted zone at the southern end of Silverhope Road can be eliminated, with this area becoming directly connected to the new Silver Creek pressure zone. This allows the pressure booster station to be decommissioned.
A booster station could be installed on the 87m Zone side of the proposed reservoir to allow for movement of water from the 87m Zone to the Silver Creek Zone. However, this booster station would be a low priority as Silver Creek has three wells in operation and ample capacity. One of the most important benefits of this option is the ability to transfer water from Silver Creek to the 87m Zone. Supply capacity is plentiful in the Silver Creek Zone and the 87m Zone is generally restricted, with relatively old wells in service.
Figure 1 - Proposed Reservoir and Future Zone Connection