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Othello Road Improvements


BUDGET: $1,856,000

Background Information

As part of the Trans-Mountain Pipeline (TMP) work completed within the Hope municipal boundary in 2021 - 2023, Trans-Mountain required significant access and use of Othello Road in the areas east of the Kawkawa Lake Road intersection. Due to the geotechnical issues (sloughing and slope failure) along the corridor, Trans-Mountain retained Wedler Engineering and Braun Geotechnical Ltd., with input from the District, to review, design and reconstruct / remediate the road before TMP construction activities were to take place.
Wedler Engineering produced a two (2) phased design that allowed for a preliminary ‘Interim’ design phase to function while construction was started on the TMP, and a final ‘Ultimate’ design that would be constructed once external stakeholders had completed their work within the corridor (TMP, BC Hydro relocates, etc). Please see Figure 1 for the Wedler Engineering design phase (Interm & Ultimate) typical

Figure 1 – Wedler Engineering – Othello Road – Design Phase Cross Sections

Existing Conditions

Wedler Engineering and Trans-Mountain completed their road remediation work in early 2023 (as shown as Zone 2 in Figure 2). The Othello Road corridor has been reconstructed for approximately 500m and corresponds with the interim design phase parameters.

It is understood that due to BC Hydro consultation and utility relocations, the ultimate design was not achieved in both horizontal alignment and cross section width.

Project Scope

In addition to the associated Trans-Mountain construction activities occurring along the Othello Road corridor, the District of Hope was successful in its application for an ‘Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program – Rural and Northern Communities Program’ to help remediate and repair the Othello Road corridor. This grant funding is to be used to facilitate repairs and rehabilitation within the road corridor which extends outside the outlined TMP activity area.

Through discussions with the District during a site visit / walkthrough on April 17, 2023, issues and deficiencies within the road corridor were identified for review and possible rehabilitation, with the road corridor being divided into a separate zones. Please refer to Table 1 for the zone designations and Figure 2 for the zone locations:

Table 1 – Othello Road Zone Designations







Culvert replacement and full depth road rehabilitation (west end);




Road re-alignment / road widening, where possible (areas in proximity to power poles, etc.); (Area of Wedler widening)




Remediation of road sloughing / shifting (east end);



Extension of pavement remediation (CIPR) east of the Zone 3 extent

(budget dependent);


ZONE 1 / 2 / 3

Milling  of  TMP  rehabilitation  and  top  lift  pavement  (entire  length  of project);

Figure 2 – Othello Road Zone Location Map